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Financial & Estate Planning

With respect to your estate plan, there are only three possible beneficiaries: family, charity, and the U.S. Treasury. While virtually all of our clients are patriotic, family-focused and charitably inclined, most would prefer to determine for themselves how their tax dollars are spent. 

Our approach empowers you to direct your tax dollars, reflecting your priorities. An estate plan transfers the assets you want, when you want, to whom you want. 

We believe an effective estate plan accomplishes three things:

First, it employs well-defined estate planning strategies to eliminate and minimize/discount estate taxes.

For clients with taxable estates, estate taxes most often constitute their single largest liability. Every dollar of your estate above the statutory exemption amount is taxed at a rate of 40% and that amount is due in cash 9 months following the date of death.

A comprehensive estate plan that takes advantage of specialized business entities, valuation discounts, and creative trust designs can substantially reduce the amount of estate tax due.

Second, it establishes a structure to pay any taxes that remain in the most cost-effective way

An insurance-funded irrevocable trust is often the most cost-effective way to pay taxes and avoid the need to liquidate assets in a forced sale to pay taxes due.

Third, it provides future flexibility.  

Barring a crystal ball, no estate planner can predict the impact of legislation Congress may pass in the future on estate tax rates and the viability of current tax planning strategies, a well-funded insurance trust provides a hedge to offset any additional taxes that may be due.

To learn more, feel free to reach out to our team via our Contact Page.